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  • 品牌名称:营口富兴矿物质有限公司
  • 公司名称:营口富兴矿物质有限公司
  • 官方主页http://www.yingkoufuxing.com/
  • 所在地区:辽宁营口市
  • 浏览次数3001
  • 更新日期:2018-10-11








Yingkou Fuxing Minerals Co., Ltd. is a set of production, sales and service in one integrated processing agents, inorganic salt and feed additives manufacturer, its Yingkou Fuxing Minerals Co., Ltd., Yingkou Fuxing Feed Additive Co., Ltd., Chaoyang Jinxin Mining Technology Service Co., Ltd., Beipiao City Feng Tai wear-resistant materials plant combined to provide quality products.

Liaoning Fuxing Group is located in northwestern Liaoning Peninsula, in Liaoning Province Yingkou Dashiqiao City, called "Magnesium". The waterway, railway and highway there is extending in all directions, so the traffic is very convenient.

The main production and operation of the company are in the following : 
copper sulfate, zinc sulfate, sodium sulfide, sub sodium nitrate, activated carbon, sodium carbonate adjustment agent, xanthate, foaming agent and collector. Our company will meet the new opportunities and challenges with our strong technology, advanced production equipment, complete quality testing system and specification of the enterprise management.

Technical services: to provide on-site technical guidance, production process and industrial test.

Our company will provide good services with the business principles "customer first" to the new and old customers.

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